What is LSAT?
The Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) is a group of elected parents, teachers, and staff, plus an appointed community member, which is charged with advising the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students. DCPS requires that every school has an LSAT and charges it with the following responsibilities:
  • advising the principal on priorities and goals
  • working with the principal on developing the local Comprehensive School Plan (school goals)
  • reviewing data in order to be informed about school needs and trends
  • monitoring and assessing the implementation of the local Comprehensive School Plan,
  • using assessment results to develop specific strategies for research-based school improvements
  • alignment of strategic and specific goals and objectives of DCPS
In carrying out these responsibilities, the LSAT is required to discuss and advise the principal on matters including:
  • allocation of school resources
  • organization of the school
  • curriculum
  • budget decisions
  • school culture and family engagement
The Cluster LSAT
The Cluster’s LSAT is composed of two parent representatives from each of its three campuses. Parents are elected for two year terms. Each campus is also represented by two teachers, each elected for a one year term. The Cluster’s LSAT also includes one PTA representative, one Washington Teachers Union representative, one non-instructional staff member, and one community member. The Cluster LSAT typically meets once per month. Complete details about the LSAT‘s role can be found in the DCPS LSAT Guidelines.

2017-2018 LSAT Members

LSAT Co-Chairs:

Allyson Kitchel, [email protected]

Ebon McPherson,

LSAT Members:

Peabody representatives:

Tom Guglielmo, [email protected]

Ebon McPherson,

Gail Murdock, [email protected]

Jeffrey Seltzer, [email protected]

Watkins representatives:

Allyson Kitchel, allyson.kitchel@gmail .com

Samah Norquist, [email protected]

Katherine Moxley, [email protected]

Ann Brogioli, [email protected]

Stuart Hobson representatives:

Nakisha Winston, [email protected]

Harolyn Brown, [email protected]

Kip Plaisted, [email protected]

Mercedes Salazar, [email protected]

Cluster-wide representatives:

Lona Valmoro, [email protected]

Elizabeth O’Donnell, [email protected]

Community Representative: 

Sherry Trafford, [email protected]

2017-18 Meeting Minutes:

2016-17 Meeting Minutes:

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